Communications Working Group (CWG)

Terms of Reference



The CWG has an advisory and review role. Its purpose is to:

1. oversee the communications of the fund and aim to improve the user experience of key stakeholders of the Fund

2. undertake reviews of communication based documents to consider how the materials will be interpreted from an employer or beneficiary perspective

3. advise the Pension Board and Committee of possible improvements in communications including policy and delivery methods.

4. carry out research and consider other ways to communicate effectively with the  Fund’s stakeholders



The CWG is not a sub-committee of the Pension Board or  Committee. No functions of the Pension Board or  Committee are delegated to the CWG.

The CWG will not:

1. take decisions in relation to policy matters that are the responsibility of the Pension Committee

2. take decisions in relation statutory materials that are required by law and delegated to the Chief Finance Officer under the Scheme of Delegations to implement to administer the Fund.

3. oversee or advise on any other matter other than in relation to communications of the Fund.


The CWG is a Pension Board working group to progress communications within the Fund to improve the experience of scheme members and employers of the Fund, first and foremost. The CWG has originated as a result of a number of recommendations presented to the Pension Board in March 2021 from the Head of Communications for ESCC on his finding from a detailed communications review.

The CWG is chaired by Head of Pensions.

Membership comprises:

·         Head of Pensions

·         Pensions Manager – Employer engagement

·         Pensions Communications Manager (yet to be appointed)

·         Chair of the Pension Board

·         Pension Board Members

Pension Committee Members or technical advisors may be invited by the chair of CWG when appropriate.

The CWG is not a committee or sub-committee established under the Section 101 of the Local Government Act 1972, so political proportionality rules under the Local Government and Housing Act 1989 do not apply.



The Quorum of the Working Group will be four Members and must include two Pension Board members and two officers.



The CWG meets at least quarterly between Pension Committee meetings, or more as required to visit communication issues and make recommendations to Pension Board and Committee on improvements. Or to consider the phrasing and presentation of publications and communications to scheme members and employers, due to be issued as part of the operation of the Fund in line with Schemes of Delegation delegated to the Chief Finance Officer when required.


An update on each meeting will be provided within the Employer Engagement and Communications report produced quarterly for Pension Board.

The CWG is not a committee or sub-committee established under the Section 101 of the Local Government Act 1972, so access to information regulations do not apply.


The working group terms of reference and purpose will be reviewed after two years to ensure the group is still relevant.